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These tasks will need to be performed daily


At Silver Dream Factory we are always looking for ways to accommodate productions and their very tricky scheduling issues. To do so, we will, from time to time, allow another production to share the faciliy. However, we only allow one production at a time in our interior sets or backlot sets. We will never put two productions together on our stage or the Backlot. We also have a set of critieria to make sure that another production sharing the facility does not have: 1. fight scenes. 2. Gun play with blanks. 3) Fire FX. 4) A huge crew. 5) A live band. 6) Loud screaming dialog scens. Or not willing to follow our courtacy guidlines for share the facility. The Sound Stage and the Backlot are two different areas and shouldn't interfere with normal shooting. And although sound shouldn't be an issue, we do ask that both productions be courteous and respectful when both are rolling. But normal shooting has never been an issue in the past. Parking and power will be slip to accamodate each shoot. *NOTE: We will not book to shoots on two different shooting areas (Stage /Backlot) if one or both crews are too large. We will only allow a  

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