(714)836-1853 Calls Only
Prices Subject To Change Without Notice
Permits are not required
Silver Crew List

Silver Dream Factory, we are always looking for ways to help producers to facilitate their productions with ease. That's why we have introduced the Silver Crew Page We are simply letting you know that these VERY talented individuals are available for crewing to give producers the ultimate in convenience and service. These are individuals that have been *Tried & True as part of the Silver Dream Factory film community. Silver Dream Factory does not represent these artists, we are not an agency. You negotiate with the crew with whatever terms suit your crew budget, we won't stand between. Some may have representation and some will not. All payments will be made directly to each crew member. However, Silver Dream Factory will negotiate and coordinate if Silver Dream Factory is acting as production company on your production.
Tried and True - Adj. - tested and proven to be reliable
time-tested, tried, tested
dependable, reliable - worthy of reliance or trust; a reliable source of information;
a dependable worker.
Assistant Director
Craig Barker Dir/DP (Commercial/Music Video/Corporate)
(323) 733-9839
Website: https://vimeo.com/user9804686
David Winters Dir/DP (Commercial/Music Video/Corporate)
(949) 542-6892
Directors of Photography
Craig Barker DP/Op (Commercial/Music Video/Corporate)
(323) 733-9839
Website: https://vimeo.com/user9804686
David Winters DP/Op (Commercial/Music Video/Corporate)
(949) 542-6892
Gaffers/Key Grips, Best Boys, Grips & Electrics
Registered Nurse/Technical Adviser
Sound Mixer
Make-up Artist
Christen Hiller (Narrative/Commercial/Music Video, Fashion)
(714) 336-3726
Studio Teachers
Daniel Drabinsky Licensed California Studio Teacher
STC-58975 (818) 419-2376
Heather Siembieda Licensed California Studio Teacher
(909) 553-4021 Certificate #156849
Karen M. Ellison Licensed California Studio Teacher
#378 (714) 872-3933
Linda Erikson Licensed California Studio Teacher
(714) 891-8792 and (714) 230-9695
Dierdre Dizon Licensed California Studio Teacher
(714) 319-5847 Certificate #151109